Sunday, November 11, 2012

Common Questions for Photo Sessions

Hi! I'm Emily
Q. What should I wear?
Wear something comfortable but cute. Don't wear something that you can't sit on the ground in if you can get away with it, I will probably want you to sit on the ground at some point...

Q. What do I bring?
Bring props! Bring all the props you can. Anything that can show who you are as a person.
  • Seniors: sports equipment, hat, instruments, t-shirts, accessories, books, things that display your interests
  • Kids: blankets, teddy bears, other toys, candy
  • Couples: old pictures of you two, symbols of the relationship 
  • misc: blankets, prized possession, large picture frames, old pictures, pictures of ideas you want to incorporate

Q. Where will we be shooting?
I love shooting outdoors which means that we should start the session 2 to 3 hours before the sun goes down to get the best shots. However, I am happy to shoot in your home or in any indoor location with good lighting. Lighting is very, very important!
As far as locations outdoors I love shooting at Allerton in Monicello, and I will always recommend it.

Q. Are there fees for shooting on location?
Yes, if the shoots are not in Farmer City, Mansfield, Allerton Park, or Urbana then there will be a $25 charge for on-location sessions. 

Q. Do you print the pictures? Can I get the digital copies?I am printing pictures now. I just started working with a printing company, so I do not have prices up yet, but we can discuss them later on.
Also, there is the option of purchasing a disk of your images which you will be free to print from. It is $50 to purchase the disk instead of having me print the images (this price will change mid February). I do not generally recommend this route since the pictures will likely not get printed, and likely not to the quality that they deserve. However, if you do choose this then I will recommend a printer for you to use.
As far as Facebook is concerned, I will upload pictures that you purchase (if you purchase the disk, all photos on the disk will be uploaded).

Q. What else do I need to know?
I have a contract that will need to be signed before the session. It gives me the right to use the pictures I take during your session for advertising as well as sets up ground rules for the appointment. If you would like to fill it out before the session you can (the images below can be enlarged to be printed if you click on them), however I will have copies.

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