Thursday, May 30, 2013

Compositing Me: Windy Day Edition

Today, as I sat in front of my computer working on Psychology I realized I haven't been giving my camera enough attention lately. Not one to neglect a camera I popped into my back yard and starting taking pictures.
Little did I know it was horribly windy outside. I had straightened my hair, and it was seriously getting on my last nerve how it would not just lay flat.
So, I made it work.

Basically, I stacked a file on top of the original and erased all but the hair. Then I put the hair where I wanted it to be, touched it up a bit, and added another file. Repeat four more times and voila!
Here are the images I put together:
why do I have the Brady Bunch song stuck in my head?

and here is the more concise version of the before and after

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